Music Rules
Please click the button at the right to view details about each event in the Music category.
Classical Ensemble
Entry Limit: One ensemble per school: 3 – 6 musicians; 1 member may be a student who has never been enrolled in German.
Time Limits: 5 – 10 minutes, with a 30-second grace period
The piece(s) must be by a German-speaking composer and be a recognized work of music, e.g., Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Haydn, Schubert, Strauss, Mozart, Schumann, Mendelssohn. Music must be classical and groups may do medleys of songs. No electric instruments, other than one electric keyboard, are allowed. No music stands will be provided at the contest site. Attire is part of the judging criteria. If a non-German student is included in the ensemble, this information must be given to the judges. Two copies of the sheet music must be provided for the judges.
A student group in Classical Ensemble may not perform the same piece/musical selection(s) that they have performed in any previous year.
Click here to download the critique sheet for Classical Ensemble.
Preparation Note: Refer interested students to choir/orchestra teachers or their private tutors/coaches, who are usually willing to help them find a piece.
Contemporary German Music
Entry Limit: One entry per school: 1 – 4 musicians (singers and/or instrumentalists)
Time Limits: 2 – 4 minutes, with a 30-second grace period; contestants must be able to set up and break down in a total of 5 minutes.
One piece is to be sung from a contemporary (post WWII) German-speaking musical artist or group, which may include rap (must be school appropriate.) Lyrics must be predominately sung in the German language, and be memorized. Contestants may sing a cappella or with pre-recorded accompaniment, or with one or more group members playing instruments live (acoustic or electric). However, no playback devices, microphones, speakers, or instruments will be provided at the contest site; contestants are responsible for providing their own equipment and instruments. Two copies of the lyrics must be provided for the judges.
A student or student group in Contemporary Music may not perform the same piece/musical selection(s) that he/she/group has performed in any previous year.
Click here to download the critique sheet for Contemporary Music.
Note: The couple’s dance will alternate between different dances/styles from year to year. The 2024 dance is the Zillertaler Ländler. The base rules are as follows:
Entry Limit: Two couples per school (couple is eligible to also participate in Folk Dance.)
Costumes (Tracht):
- Boy: black shoes; white, black, or gray knee socks; leather pants (Lederhose) with suspenders (or reasonable approximation such as dark shorts); button-down shirt (not T-shirt or polo shirt).
- Girl: black shoes, white stockings or tights, Dirndl (or reasonable approximation such as a dress or skirt of roughly knee-length), blouse, and apron. Hats are optional.
All couples dance the same dance, which will be posted on the website by early fall of each school year. Couples DO NOT need to provide dance notes or music, as judges will already have dance notes. The same recording from the website will be provided at contest.
Only one couple will dance at a time, and the boy and girl will be judged/critiqued separately, i.e., one or more judges will judge the boy, and one or more different judges will judge the girl. The boy’s points and the girl’s points will then be added together to obtain the final score for the couple. See the critique sheet for the specific judging criteria.
The dance will take place inside a four-meter circle marked on the floor, with an X marked in the middle (when applicable, like a Plattler). After being introduced, the couple will walk to the middle of the circle or appropriate starting point. The boy will be asked “(Name), are you ready?” When he replies yes, the music will begin. If necessary, the couple may start over once during the Einzeltanz. The boy should indicate this by stepping outside the circle.
Video Link: Click here to view.
Dance Notes: Click here to download.
Audio File: Click here to download.
Click here to download the critique sheet for Einzeltanz.
2025 – Zillertaler Ländler
2024 – Markländer Schottisch
2023 – Heidauer
2022 – Mazurka
2021 – no Einzeltanz due to COVID
2020 – Ländler
2019 – Schottisch
2018 – Plattler
Folk Dance
Entry Limit: One entry per school: minimum 6 dancers, no maximum; however, only 16 may be performing at a time.
Dance/Time Limits: 4 dances and 10 minutes minimum, or 5 dances and 15 minutes maximum, including entrance, exit, and transitions, with a 30-second grace period. There is a 10-point penalty for going over the 15-minute time limit.
There is no required dance. The group must provide the following items (3 copies each) for the judges: a list of the dancers’ names, documentation of the dances, including level of dance (points will be deducted from “authenticity” if no documentation is provided). Dancers must also provide their own music, music-player and extension cord, if needed.
For a list of possible dances and appropriate level designations, as well as some video links to the dances and/or instructions, click Folk Dance List.
Instrumental Solo
Entry Limit: Three entries per school. This event does not qualify for State because the other regions do not have this event.
Time Limits: Selection may be folk or classical and should be 3-10 minutes in length.
Music must be from a composer from a German speaking country. Two copies of the music must be provided for the judges. Any accompaniment must be recorded. There will be a CD player in the room.
Click here to download the critique sheet for Instrumental Solo.
Preparation Note: Refer interested students to choir/orchestra teachers or their private tutors/coaches, who are usually willing to help them find a piece.
Polka Band
Entry Limit: One band per school: 5 – 12 musicians + 1 director (i.e. max. 13 members); 2 members may be students who have never been enrolled in German.
Time Limits: 5 – 10 minutes, with a 30-second grace period.
All pieces of music must be from German-speaking composers. No electric instruments are allowed. No music stands will be provided at the contest site. If a non-German student is included in the band, this information must be given to the judges. Two copies of the sheet music must be provided for the judges.
Click here to download the critique sheet for Polka Band.
Preparation Note: A band teacher may be able to assist in finding music for polka band.
Piano Solo
Entry Limit: Three entries per school. This event does not qualify for State because the other regions do not have this event.
Time Limits: Selection may be folk or classical and should be 3-10 minutes in length.
Music must be from a composer from a German speaking country. Two copies of the music must be provided for the judges.
Click here to download the critique sheet for Piano Solo.
Preparation Note: Refer interested students to choir/orchestra teachers or their private tutors/coaches, who are usually willing to help them find a piece.
Vocal Solo
Entry Limit: Two soloists per school
Time Limits: 2 – 5 minutes, with a 30-second grace period
Contestant must sing a recognized classical or folk song from a German-speaking composer. Song must be sung in German and must be memorized. Soloist is responsible for his/her own accompaniment, whether recorded or live, or may sing a cappella. No instruments or audio-players will be provided at the contest site. Two copies of the sheet music (notes and lyrics) must be provided for the judges.
A student in Vocal Solo may not perform the same piece/musical selection(s) that he/she has performed in any previous year.
Click here to download the critique sheet for Vocal Solo.
Preparation Note: Refer interested students to choir teachers or their private tutors/coaches, who are usually willing to help them find a piece.