Event Coordinator Instructions
Meeting Location:
Arrive by 7:45 a.m.
Tab Room (Turn in judges’ packets here)
Cell Phone numbers will be emailed out. We will need to have our cell phones on all day.
1. Hand out packets to each judging team in your area. Check each name off the list so we will know who has not come. Make sure to write down any changes/corrections you make during the check-in process. This helps have an accurate record should there be any problems/disputes later on…
2. Each packet contains the “Information to Judges” applicable to their area of judging. Please make sure you have read this and are familiar with it as well!
3. When you check on the judges initially, probably around 8:45, double check they have read through their “Information to Judges” and understand their critique sheets and how to fill in the awards’ assembly sheet. It is very important they understand their critique sheet! Please stress to the judges the importance of correct math! Encourage them to use calculators/phones to double check addition.
4. You will have the most updated group schedule, if it applies to your area. Devon should also have the most current schedules posted at the rooms. Please remind judges that students may have conflicts with cross entries – especially when pass auf factors in – and to be flexible with working out alternate times with students. If students miss their scheduled time and have not made an attempt to let the judges know BEFORE their scheduled performance time, the students are not guaranteed the opportunity to still perform.
5. Check on each of your event rooms at the beginning when the events begin, and then check every half hour or so to be sure things are going well. See if there are questions or if anyone needs anything.
Be aware of your judges, and make sure they do not disqualify any students without first talking to you about it. Whenever in doubt, contact the director.